off:baka nu e o expresie X.x...e doar un btw nu ai scris bine nici prima fraza si nici cuvantul ce urma dupa ea >.>
on:Eu am sa zic doar din Death Note pentru ca altele nici nu prea mi-au placut...
"I think 4o% better when I sit like this"
"if you don't do it like i sead, i will kick you"
" i just can't stand it when someone's cell phone rings when i am talking"
"will you be eating that cake?...say what you want but i'll be takeing that cake"
"I'm not doing this because I want to."
"Stupid Matsuda"(taha imi place mult cand spune asta XD)
"Nothing,just Matsuda being an idiot agin"
2.Near-Nate River
"it's because i've touched the real notebook. that i could see a reaper ever since you came here. mr.reaper, it's nice to meet you, i am near."
"Did it sound like he was eating chocolate?"
"If you can't beat the game,if you can't solve the puzzle you're nothing but a loser"